24 de comentarii la „Musafirul

    • Greu de uitat, mai ales acum.🙂
      Știam de existența aricilor, cred că nu s-au stabilit la mine, ci la un vecin. Numai că m-am trezit cu el (ea) pe terasă, liniștit. A trecut pe sub masa cu cafeaua. I-am pus repede castronașul cu boabe al pisoiului sub nas, dar nu a mâncat. L-am lăsat în pace.


  1. Trebuia să-l încercați cu un pahar de vin sau de must dacă de mâncare nu-i păsa. Nu cred ca umbla el prin vie după mâncare de pisică.

    Si ziceți merci că ați scăpat ieftin. După cum exemplificasem în mesajul meu arestat la spam se putea si mai rău. 😦


    • Scuze, nu m-am uitat.
      Așa-i, ariciul s-a pierdut prin vie, oricum nu l-am urmărit fiindcă n-am vrut să se sperie.
      Deocamdată, puțin probabil un urs, chiar și în mahalalele lu’ Bucale. I-am întâlnit de mai multe ori, nu pe lângă Yukon cum fusesem amenințat, ci p-aci. Cel mai aproape, eram pe jos puțin mai sus de Peleș, față în față.😀
      Însă presupun că știți, eu țin cu urșii.

      Apreciat de 1 persoană

  2. Very cute. An off topic question. We will likely have 5 or 6 days (not a lot) in Romania on our way between Istanbul and Frankfurt to catch our flight home. What would you say are the top sites that we could see in such a short period of time and using public transportation or taxis? Is there enough to do around Brasov for those days or is there something else you’d recommend? We are flying from Bucharest to Frankfurt. Thanks!! Maggie

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

    • There are two categories of tourists – some who love cities (museums, monuments, architecture, history), others, rather travelers, who like the spectacular nature. The two categories are not necessarily disjoint.
      Romania has everything. Historical relics of over 2,000 years, cities, splendid natural phenomena, villages with much ancestry that King Charles fell in love with who has several properties here.
      There are mountains of glacial origin with peaks over 2,500 m, but also mountains with karst relief and spectacular caves. Everywhere there are mountain trails that can be covered on foot with some effort of any degree of difficulty, up to climbing and mountaineering. The Danube Delta is an exceptional natural site – the Danube, canals, specific vegetation, animals and birds of great variety. Other points of attraction are the monasteries, primarily those in northern Moldavia and Bucovina, then those in northern Oltenia. They have paintings from many hundreds of years, they are all historical monuments.
      There is the problem of distances. The north of Moldova means about 600 km. Then the problem of not very great roads.
      Five days (nights) is a very short term. Bucharest has many museums, you have many to choose from. Brașov is a beautiful city, as is Sibiu, but I don’t think you have time for Sibiu. Rail transport isn’t great and limits your goals. To see cities and a bit of nature, I suggest you rent a car, the cheapest. I also suggest the following route: Bucharest – Valea Prahovei (a night in Sinaia or Predeal, a ride by car to Cota 1,400 from Sinaia and / or to the Trei Brazi Hut, with a splendid view, from Predeal, with the possibility of spending the night) – Brașov – the road Transfăgărășan (one of the most spectacular in the world, crosses the mountains at about 2,200 m, possibility to spend the night) – reservoir with dam – Curtea de Argeș with old churches – Pitesti – Bucharest.
      If you don’t understand something I wrote to you, please ask me. Make a plan and send it to me, I’ll give you my opinion. Have a nice trip.🙂

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